Energy Logistics for the South of Chile



LNG has been successfully managed for many years. In fact, the LNG industry has maintained an excellent safety record in comparison with other petrochemical and refining plants, especially during the last 40 years. During this time period, there have been more than 33,000 LNG ship journeys, covering more than 60 million miles through high traffic areas with very few accidents or safety problems in maritime terminals or out at sea.

International safety

Globally, LNG is governed by extremely rigorous safety standards established by developed markets in this industry, following existing norms in the US, Japan, Australia and Europe, with the result that this is one of the few industrial activities that maintain a very high safety level.

Safety distances from inhabited areas

Terminal Marítimo GNL Talcahuano fully complies with the safety distances in respect to inhabited areas proposed by the SANDIA Report, the National Fire Protection Association (NFP-A59A) and the European Standard (EN-1473), being located at an optimal safety distance from population centers, that is, 4 km from the nearest settlement.


The location of Terminal Marítimo GNL Talcahuano is far from the entry routes to other terminals in the Bay of Concepción, as well as from fishing routes, so that it does not interfere with current sea traffic.

Mooring structures in extreme conditions

The mooring facilities are designed to withstand climatic conditions that are far more extreme than those normally experienced in these latitudes, with highly developed anti-seismic and tsunami- resistant constructions.


The terminal project plans to store LNG on an LNG storage and regasification platform that has been designed in whatever circumstances to remain permanently at the maritime terminal.

Periodic inspections
and maintenance

All maritime terminal installations will be inspected periodically to check for corrosion and examine the structural integrity. Likewise, maintenance and the replacement of equipment parts (e.g. pipes, gaskets, connectors and valves) will be carried out regularly. A cathodic protection system will be installed to prevent or minimize corrosion.